From “Repeat After Me” by Claudia Black

What is Spiritual Counselling?

Spiritual Counselling aims to help you identify your true core values and then supports you to align your thoughts, actions, and words to those values.

By harmonising these resonances between your own fundamental truths and your physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual processes, you can access the synergy that is available to live your life as your fully authentic actualised self on your own self-chosen spiritual path. This process relies on your ability to be honest with yourself, and as far as possible with me as well, to consider parts of your life that you have perhaps avoided looking at directly. For example, conflicts between your own deeply held beliefs about life and death, and those you were taught in your childhood, can create a spiritual malaise that undermines your vitality. Similarly, you may be ready to understand and dissolve self-defeating patterns that while not overly serious in themselves, create an energy block in your life that prevents you feeling successful, creative, beautiful, and strong.

The fundamental difference between counselling and coaching is that counselling seeks to root out the first causes of difficulties, whereas coaching seeks to develop strategies for circumventing or overcoming these obstacles to live more effectively today without necessarily understanding the origin of your struggles. Both have their place and can be helpful, and the choice depends on your needs and your resources, especially the time you have available to focus on your personal growth. A coaching approach, focussing on developing strategies for living, often centres around the creation of appropriate revenue-generating activities that are in keeping with your spiritual needs for creativity, service and freedom.

I recognise the challenges of self-honesty, and I honour the struggle each client has to tell their own truth and to stay on their path. As a feminist, I understand the difficulties of defining one’s own evolutionary path, for which there often appear to be no precedents. My job, as I see it, is to support you in your change process, to challenge you when necessary, and to help you understand how to use a variety of tools for self-care, so that you will feel renewed and enabled to successfully negotiate whatever experiences your life brings you in the future.

How can we use spiritual counselling in our work together?

Spiritual Counselling is a focus I can bring to our work together no matter which modalities you wish to use. Helping you to access your deeper truths, to recognise and respect your inner collective, to feel the vibrations of your deep self, and to commit yourself to maintaining your own harmonies is the basis of spiritual counselling and can enrich your experience of any of the healing modalities explored on this website.

In the Spiritual Counselling process, it is your deeper resonances that we encourage. You need to be able to sense these vibrations clearly in order to follow their lead as you move forward in your life. The openness and honesty inherent in spiritual counselling brings comfort to your spirit and well-being to your emotions, as well as a calmness to your mind. And of course, your health improves when you are no longer in conflict with yourself.

I recognise the challenges of self-honesty, and I honour the struggle each client has to tell their own truth and to stay on their path. As a feminist, I understand the difficulties of defining one’s own evolutionary path, for which there often appear to be no precedents. My job, as I see it, is to support you in your change process, to challenge you when necessary, and to help you understand how to use a variety of tools for self-care, so that you will feel renewed and enabled to successfully negotiate whatever experiences your life brings you in the future.