How long does it take to change?

Of course this depends on you, your commitment to your change process, and your prior experience of personal work. Your willingness to face perhaps uncomfortable truths about yourself and your habits, and to work through your fears and inhibitions takes the time it takes. It is important not to rush your psyche, and to avoid unnecessary shock by being gentle and nurturing to yourself as you shed old patterns and give birth to the new you.

Coaching can be less demanding on your psyche and focusses on more immediate adjustments to our response patterns in daily life. If you are focused on the work you are doing and very open to your own processes, this approach can yield encouraging changes with small or subtle shifts in your thinking, planning, and actions.

"How often do you recommend a session?"

This depends on what you are working on and what treatment modalities you select. In general, clients who are embarking on an intense period of self-transformation choose to have closely spaced sessions: twice a week, weekly or fortnightly.

Others, who are looking more for generalised support in an on-going change process, may want consultations once a fortnight, once a month, or every six weeks.

Still others prefer the occasional check-in for an ongoing sense of companionship on the journey.

And there are clients who contact me for crisis intervention as the need arises.

So it is really up to you to choose what meets your needs at any given moment. I am here to help in whatever ways I can.

How much do you charge?

My basic fee is 120 of your local currency (dollars, euro, pounds, yen, and so on) per hour. This is a 60-minute hour.

Half hour sessions are available for 60 units of your local currency.