Due to our adjusted reality, I have pivoted my practice entirely to telehealth, and will continue to provide online consultations via telephone, Skype or Zoom.

Stonehenge photo by Geneviève Khemtémourian

All people are on a spiritual journey although only some of us are aware of it. People who are aware and who wish to learn more often seek guidance from time to time. When looking for teachers and therapists we all hope to find someone who recognises and respects who we really are.

Ultimately there is only one person who can take responsibility. There is only one person who lives with the consequences of the paths we take. Jeane F. Diamond respects this and works with you rather than imposing techniques on to you.

Jeane F. Diamond has more than 20 years of experience helping people manage their own energies. She uses a mix of many counselling approaches and a variety of traditional and New Age techniques. Jeane helps you find, harmonise and empower your true self.

If you experience a spiritual malaise or sense of creative frustration, if you have a sense of not quite being on your true path, or of not doing ‘what you are meant to be doing’ with your life, then this work can be particularly beneficial for you. Gentle, non-invasive, paced to meet your own psychic needs, the journey of self-discovery is very rich.

Your intention to meet and merge with your authentic self is an important element in your progress. A willingness to do the work required, and to feel the feelings you are having will bring many rewards.

To find out more about the various techniques you might use in your work with Jeane, click on the labelled thumbnails below or on the therapies listed at the top of this page.