The first pyramid: Saqqara, Egypt photo by Jeane Freer

What are Visualisations?

Visualisations are the pictures we see in our minds, the ones that arise spontaneously as well as the ones we create for ourselves. Ancient metaphysical traditions have always taught that holding a clear vision of what you want to happen is the first step to welcoming it into your life. Moreover, medical studies have found that the conscious creation of positive pictures helps us to regain and maintain health.

There are some natural limits to the capacity for manifestation, which is referred to as the sphere of availability. So although miracles are certainly possible, in general what we are able to manifest is determined by the energy field we inhabit. Thus the role of visualisations is to expand, brighten and energise that field. You must accept the responsibility of being a co-creator of your life, and in doing so you enable your true potential to manifest in its most loving and creative form.

I firmly believe that form follows thought, and in that sense we do create our own reality. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy to a greater extent that most of us credit, and by taking responsibility for our visions of our own life, we can help ourselves arrive in the reality we seek. Visualisations are a useful practice of mind-development, helping us to consciously learn to see positive pictures. Regular visualisation is also a good companion practice to repeating affirmations.

How can we use Visualisations in our work together?

Visualisations can be used for communication with your inner and younger selves, as well as for communication with your body and with your dreams. I also use visualisation as a healing tool, helping you to send healing energy to parts of yourself that would benefit. There are any numbers of possibilities, and I select the approach that is appropriate as your process of personal transformation reveals itself to us.

Many of the relaxation techniques I use with you also involve your inner vision – seeing with your inner eye, or just using your imagination. It doesn’t matter if you really see or if you are only making them up. Even evoking memories involves a kind of visualisation, because you see the scenes again in your mind. All the pictures are arising from your psyche and are therefore relevant to our work. So there is no need to worry about whether you can do visualisations or not – some part of you will respond to the suggestions made, and you will get results.


Annie Besant Thought Power 1912

Sandra McNeil Psi-Kinetic Power 1980

Jane Roberts The Nature of Personal Reality (A Seth Book) 1974