La Trame induces a free-moving wave of energy through the body by means of a gentle vibration along the body’s three axes, facilitating the inner alignment of the circulatory paths of your subtle energy channels. The technique of La Trame was designed by a French alchemist, Patirck Burensteinas, based on his studies of both medicine and the occult. You can find out more about him and his publications by clicking on the links below. A session of La Trame dislodges any masses or blocks that impede the circulation of light within you. Dr. Burensteinas speaks of this light as ‘information’. The more clearly your body circulates this « information » the easier it will be for you to be truly present in the world and to maximise the realisation of your spiritual potential. La Trame in this technique is a sequence of 16 movements applied with a subtle pressure to the body as you lie on your back on the treatment table. Many people receiving a session drift off to sleep during the sequence because it is so relaxing. The practitioner remains detached, merely applying the movements according to the protocol, without any expectation of a particular outcome. The energetic equilibrium of your body and mind are safey restored without effort.
How can we use La Trame in our work together? I have recently (2008) added La Trame to the range of techniques I use because I feel it is an excellent complement to Spiritual Healing and the Metamorphic Technique as a hands-on method that helps you to connect directly to universal intelligence and increases your personal capacity to bring divine light on to this planet. Because of the deep impact of a session of La Trame, they are not recommended more than once every three weeks. Dr. Burensteinas also says that if you are pursuing a long course of consciousness transfomation using only La Trame, the maximum recommended time between sessions is six weeks. If you are using this approach, Dr Burensteinas feels other physical interventions are contra-indicated, though he emphasises that all cognitive therapy work done at this time helps your conscious awareness keep pace with, understand and integrate the changes occurring in your subtle bodies and consciousness. For my regular clients who are using my more wholistic approach to personal transformation, I generally recommend La Trame on an occasional basis, particularly if you are embarking on a new dimension of your spiritual path - for example if you have recently given up drugs or alcohol, or become a vegetarian, or taken up meditation - or after an extended period of family difficulty to help you return to a previously held but recently stressed spiritual alignment. By releasing your own energy to circulate freely, your inner coherence is enhanced. The vibrations along the personal (head to toe), interpersonal (shoulder to shoulder), and transpersonal (heart to shoulder blades) axes helps you to welcome openness and to feel comfortable in your skin. This can bring an expansion of your field of perception that reflects the expansion of your field of consicousness. La Trame allows your body to natually re-establish its own energetic equilibrium.
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